Daily Report #6 English Version

Daily Report #6 English Version

February 20, 2018
Today the practice class started faster than usually and opened by Mr. Faisal. As usually before entering in the kitchen we are always checking grooming and kitchen utensil. After that we're entering in cold kitchen and Mr. Syahrial as lecture instructor evaluate the ingredients that have been prepared yesterday. 

Today in practice class started to apply an "On-Off" system which is the class are devided into two groups and take turns every day to served food to restaurant and work the project that have been given. Today my group is work the project first and after the food are served to restaurant we're started to prepare the ingredients for rotation menu 1.2 tomorrow will be served to restaurant.

Today Aulia and I prepared ingredients for Potato Au Gratin and the menu for rotation menu 1.2 is Macedoine of vegetable mayonaise for apetizer, Minestrone soup for soup, Fillet of fish meuniere-Potato au gratin-Glazed root vegetable for main couse, and Choux ala creame/Hard roll for dessert.
After all of the ingredients has been prepared, class is rested for one hour and as usual after all activities are complete we have to do general cleaning.

Bechamel sauce for Potato Au Gratin, the ingredients is white roux, milk, nutmeg, onion, clove, bay leaf, salt, and whitepepper
Potato that has been steamed
Potato has been cut into dice


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