Daily Report #23 English Version

Daily Report #23 English Version

May 2, 2018
The third day of the week of practice and still same as usual there are rules that must be complete brefore entering the kitchen such as grooming must be standart along with utensil's that must be complete. After praying Chef Dino came in to explain about the food that will out today and that has been prepared yesterday for my group that is Tang yuan.

After Chef Dino explained, we all immediately do our work.This time I was assigned to make stuffing from tang yuan and Aulia's duty was to make dough for tang yuan. As for the dough tang yuan made from glutinous rice flour is brewed with warm water and then diven a dye.

After the dough is finished in the contents, tang yuan should be boiled first before serving. For serving this tang yuan served with sugar water.

Photos from today's activities :


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