Daily Report #29 English Ver

Daily Report #29 English Ver

August 7, 2018

After a long vacation from the blog world, today i'm back for write my activities during practice in Poltekpar Makassar kitchen. Today is the first day i came in the kitchen as a 3rd semester student. Nothing has changed with kitchen rules still same, before we entering kitchen we have to checking our grooming. After entering the kitchen, class divided into several group and today my group got appetizer section to make.

The appetizer of the Oriental buffet are Thai beef salad and Chinese spinach and peanut salad. For Thai beef salad the main ingredient is meat tenderloin which is grilled and sliced. For Chinese spinach and peanut salad the main ingredient is spinach which is tossed with sauce in the grom of a mixture of Chinese black vinegar, soy sauce, peanut oil, sugar, salt, minced ginger and raw peanut.
Thai beef salad

Chinese spinach and peanut salad

After all the food has been made, we plating it on the oval plate. After that the food is brought to the restaurant, after that we clean our work area and immediately prepare the ingredients for tomorrow. After prepare as usua;;y we have to do general cleaning.


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